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How to Select a Mini Motor Technology for Your Surgical Device Design

March 9, 2021

How to Select a Mini Motor Technology for your Surgical Device Design

Powered surgical hand tools are a mainstay of the operating room. For decades surgeons and device makers have relied on sterilizable Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motors to meet the torque, speed, and reliability requirements of surgical hand tools. With the advance of surgical robotics and robotically assisted surgical devices, more than device makers count on BLDC motors to meet their most demanding requirements.

Surgical device designers must ensure their end products satisfy many exacting requirements. Solutions need to be extremely reliable, withstand the high temperatures of sterilization, remain cool during operation, and meet positioning demands. They need motion components that are suitable for their application, have been appropriately customized to integrate with their tool, and make the proper tradeoffs to optimize performance. Methods to maintain and preserve a sterile field in the operating room to prevent infection, cross contamination, and the spread of disease are all critical concerns.

Click here to read more about the decisions to be made and the requirements needed for customizing a motor solution for your surgical design.