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Selecting the Optimum Flat Motor Technologies For Your Application

July 15, 2021

Selecting the Optimum Flat Motor Technologies For Your Application

Many applications today have critical space constraints and require flat motor solutions. However it is not always obvious what technology would work best in this type of situation while still being able to meet performance requirements. Typically, the speed-torque criteria can help provide a guide on what technology may be optimal for the given application. Let’s explore the various technologies available for flat motors depending on design requirements.

Slotted Technology

Outer Rotor, Radial Airgap:

The standard option available within this technology is an Outer Rotor with a Radial Air gap configuration. This kind of design provides high torque at continuous speed and is a suitable technology for applications needing high torque at low speeds. Within the slotted technology range, this is the most cost optimized design. The high torque is mainly due to an outer rotor design and multipolar structure. At the same time, this design may present a higher inertia than some of the other designs like inner rotor slotted. Applications such as service robotics, electric grippers, medical infusion pumps, oxygen concentrators, aerospace seat actuators, and prosthetics can greatly benefit from this kind of flat motor technology.

Inner Rotor, Radial Airgap:

Inner rotor designs with a radial airgap can help in lowering the cogging torque and at the same time providing high torque density. This is a very dynamic design and hence is an ideal solution for applications requiring quick start/stop capability.

This technology can be an ideal solution for applications requiring power made by the speed such as robotic automation, life science equipment, packaging staplers, and nutrunners.

Disc Magnet Rotor, Axial Airgap:

Disc magnet motion technologies have been around for a few decades. The technology is well suited for flat design especially for applications requiring medium torque at medium speeds with low Inertia.

Applications such as wireless tattoo machines, robotic automation, and textile machinery can benefit from the unique performances of this flat motor technology.


Slotless Technology

Disc Magnet Rotor, Axial Airgap:

A disc magnet rotor and a slotless stator design helps to avoid cogging or detent torque. The stator assembly can be with or without back iron to close the magnetic flux. Designs without back iron eliminates iron losses which is strongly recommended for high-speed applications and requiring smooth operation. Designs with back iron provide higher continuous torque at lower speeds, no detent but a bit of iron losses.

Applications which require high operational speeds and no cogging (vibration), like ventilators, high end lidar systems, and wireless tattoo machines, are well suited for this kind of technology.


Early engagement with your motor supplier can reduce project timelines

As you can see there are many factors to consider when selecting a various flat motor technology. One technology doesn’t have it all and we at Portescap understand it very well.

Portescap has been collaborating with OEM’s in diverse application fields from surgical robotics to medical pumps to tattoo devices to ventilators, to design the optimal flat motor solutions for their specific applications. The earlier you engage with your motion solution provider, the better the value and outcomes they can provide for the most optimal motion solution to meet your performance requirements.