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Micro Motors Enhance Medical Diagnostic Analyzer Performance

August 22, 2024

Medical diagnostic analyzers play a pivotal role across a wide range of healthcare settings, including hospitals, laboratories, and physician offices. These sophisticated instruments enable medical professionals to deliver crucial clinical and research insights, driving advancements in patient care and disease management. Among the diverse types of diagnostic analyzers, key machines like clinical chemistry and hematology analyzers stand out, each performing specialized analyses vital for diagnosis and treatment planning.

Within each analyzer lies a complex array of motion control components that drive the precise movements essential for accurate sample processing. Let's explore a few critical motion axes within these machines and highlight the micro motors that optimize their performance:

  • Pipetting. Withdrawing and dispensing liquid samples demands precision and accuracy, often within confined spaces. DC coreless motors paired with a gearbox, such as Portescap’s 10NS brush DC coreless motor and R10 gearbox, or direct drive stepper linear actuators like Portescap’s 20DAM, are ideal motors to power this liquid-handling application.
  • X-Y Movement. The speed of positioning the samples highly impacts the throughput capability of the machine. Disc magnet motor, with its inherent mechanical positioning capabilities, as well as DC coreless technology emerge as ideal solutions for achieving swift and precise X-Y movement. Notable options include Portescap’s 35GLT brush DC motor and P532 disc magnet motor excel in providing the output necessary for these axes.
  • Sample Transfer. Depending on the analysis being performed, the efficient transfer of samples within the analyzer may be required. Flat BLDC technology proves instrumental in securing samples with high torque in a reduced footprint. Portescap’s newly launched 32ECF slotted flat motor stands out as a prime choice, offering exact sample transfer capabilities and contributing to enhanced diagnostic accuracy and efficiency.

By engaging with Portescap at the onset of new machine development projects, medical device manufacturers can benefit from expert guidance to select the optimal motion control technology for each diagnostic analyzer axis. Reach out to us here to start collaborating!