Brushless DC Flat Motors

Brushless DC Flat Motors

BLDC Flat motors deliver high power density in a flat and compact architecture.

Brushless DC Flat Motors

Benefiting from a compact flat design, our Brushless DC Flat motors are the perfect fit for space-constrained applications driven by high performance. Whether your application demands a higher load carrying capacity without a drop in speed or requires more power per dollar, our flat motors offer a variety of customization capabilities to meet – and exceed – your needs.

  • Diameters as small as 20mm
  • Speeds up to 30,000 rpm
  • Flat architecture
  • High-power density
  • Outer rotor options
  • Lower cost of ownership 

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Brushless Slotless

Model Motor Diameter (mm) Motor Diameter (in) Continuous Mechanical Power, Max (@25°C) (W) Continuous Torque, Max (mNm) Continuous Torque, Max (oz-in) Motor Speed, Max (rpm) Weight (g) Weight (oz) Specification CAD 3D CAD Shop
21BF nuvoDisc 21 0.827 4 2.7 0.38 25000 10 0.35
32BF nuvoDisc 32 1.26 40 13 1.84 30000 27 0.95
26BF-2A nuvoDisc 26 1.023 3.3 3.5 0.5 12000 20 0.704

Brushless Slotted

Model Motor Diameter (mm) Motor Diameter (in) Continuous Mechanical Power, Max (@25°C) (W) Continuous Torque, Max (mNm) Continuous Torque, Max (oz-in) Motor Speed, Max (rpm) Weight (g) Weight (oz) Specification CAD 3D CAD Shop
60ECF 60 2.36 100 298 42.2 6000 355 12.52
20ECF 20 0.787 9 9 1.27 10000 15 0.53
45ECF 43.2 1.7 50 91 12.89 10000 130 4.59
32ECF 32 1.26 32 32.9 4.65 10000 52 1.83
90ECF 90 3.54 260 1080 154.3 5000 960 34