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Ultra EC Motors

The three families of Ultra EC Brushless DC Motors not only meet a high range of requirements, but include our proprietary U coil for excellent performance, minimal iron losses and maximum efficiency

The Ultra ECTM platform offers 3 families of motors to help you address a wide range of requirements, whether it be traditional BLDC features, very high torque or very high speed. The proprietary U coil provides outstanding performance, including minimal iron losses, better efficiency and cooler operation.

One design definitely does not fit all. Not when your application has specific performance requirements for high speed, high torque or a delicate balance of both. And not when you need to deliver ultra performance at an optimized cost. That's why we created the Ultra EC platform of mini brushless motors. These electric brushless DC motors are crafted around our proprietary U coil technology. This new coil design, designed in Portescap in Switzerland, is the key to the outstanding performance of these brushless mini motors, including minimal iron losses, better efficiency and cooler operation. This unique coil design allows two-pole motors, for example, to deliver 30 % more torque compared to the same size electric brushless dc motor using a conventional coil design, plus it offers substantially lower iron losses.

Looking for Ultra high speed and maximum responsiveness? ECS brushless mini motors are tailored for high speed, direct drive applications.

  • High power and efficiency at high speeds
  • Designs can reach mechanical powers such as 180W continuously at 50,000 rpm
  • Damping system resulting in silent /low noise - vibration

Looking for Ultra highest torque in the smallest package? ECT multipolar motors approach torque capabilities of much bigger motors.

  • Extreme torque at low speed
  • High torque density
  • Lower speed drop under load

Looking for Ultra cost optimized motor without compromising on premium performance? ECP 2 pole motors provide the right balance of speed and torque capability.

  • Cost efficient and fit most applications
  • Can provide 30% additional continuous torque over competitive motors
  • Can provide 100% additional power over competitive motors

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Ultra EC Brushless DC Motors

Model Motor Diameter (mm) Motor Diameter (in) Continuous Mechanical Power, Max (@25°C) (W) Continuous Torque, Max (mNm) Continuous Torque, Max (oz-in) Motor Speed, Max (rpm) Weight (g) Weight (oz) Specification CAD 3D CAD Shop
16ECS52 Ultra EC 16 0.63 66 16.1 2.28 73000 62 2.19
22ECT60 Ultra EC 22 0.866 86 66.9 9.47 20000 123 4.34
22ECT35 Ultra EC 22 0.866 34 20 2.83 20000 67 2.36
22ECT48 Ultra EC 22 0.866 54 41.6 5.89 20000 98 3.46
30ECT64 Ultra EC 30 1.181 187 137 19.4 30000 263 9.28
30ECT90 Ultra EC 30 1.181 244 225 31.86 25000 380 13.4
35ECS60 Ultra EC 35 1.378 262 120.6 17.08 40000 315 11.11
22ECS45 Ultra EC 22 0.866 120 26.8 3.8 73000 100 3.53
35ECS80 Ultra EC 35 1.378 330 193.4 27.39 40000 440 15.52
16ECP52 Ultra EC 16 0.63 37 16.1 2.28 40000 62 2.19
22ECP35 Ultra EC 22 0.866 56 14.3 2.03 50000 64 2.26
22ECP45 Ultra EC 22 0.866 80 29.4 4.16 47000 100 3.53
22ECP60 Ultra EC 22 0.866 120 50.5 7.15 38000 140 4.94
16ECP36 Ultra EC 16 0.63 27.5 7.5 1.06 63000 41 1.45
08ECP20 Ultra EC 8 0.315 4.4 1.07 0.1516 60000 9 0.32
16ECS36 Ultra EC 16 0.63 39.5 8.2 1.16 73000 41 1.45
12ECP48 Ultra EC 12 0.47 23 8.1 1.13 60000 30 1.06
16ECP36-2A Ultra EC 16 0.63 19 7 1 39000 41 1.45
16ECP52-2A Ultra EC 16 0.63 19.3 13.93 1.98 15900 62 2.19
22ECP35-2A Ultra EC 22 0.63 9 12.6 1.78 10000 64 2.26
22ECS60 Ultra EC 22 0.866 180 45.9 6.5 60000 140 4.94
22ECT82 Ultra EC 22 0.866 104 98.8 13.99 20000 174 6.14
22ECA60 Autoclavable Slotless Brushless DC Motor 22 0.866 180 51 7.2 60000 140 4.94
30ECA64 Autoclavable Slotless Brushless DC Motor 30 1.18 165 133.5 18.9 30000 256 9.030144